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GOLD Medal Winner in 2020 Australian International Coffee Awards

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

We are the first Hong Kong roastery won the Gold Medal Award in Australian International Coffee Award

來自世界16個國家,共172個咖啡烘焙商及咖啡店,超過800件參賽作品;並由47位國際評審及專業團隊,盲測(Blind Cupping) 超過1700杯咖啡,最後在嚴格評審下,2020年我們得到金獎,也是香港首間烘焙廠,在意式咖啡拼配組別中得到這個金獎榮譽 !

Our ZOOM Espresso Blend won the GOLD Medal Winner in 2020 Australian International Coffee Awards. Also, we are the first Hong Kong roastery won this Gold Medal Award in espresso blend catagory!

In the meantime, our ZENITH Espresso Blend also won a BRONZE Medal in espresso blend category.

The Australian International Coffee Awards is the only international roasting competition in Australia, receiving more than 800 entries from over 180 exhibitors from around the world.

We are proud to be a GOLD and BRONZE medallist in this prestigious event. It's really confirms that our roasting is on point and our products are of a consistant high standard.

Thanks for AICA, conducted by The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria, is Australia's first and only international coffee awards rewarding and recognising excellence.

International Awards:

• GOLD Medal Winner 2020 (Espresso, Blend Category)

• BRONZE Medal Winner 2020 (Espresso, Blend Category)

• SILVER Medal Winner 2019 (Cappuccino, Milk Coffee Category)

• BRONZE Medal Winner 2019 (Cappuccino, Milk Coffee Category)

• 92 & 93 point rating from Coffee Review on 2020


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